Landlord Reinstruction Form Your Name (required): Email Address (required): Property you are re-instructing us on (required): Confirmation you have read our agency agreement (required): YesNo Confirmation we are to refer to your previous landlord form, and nothing has changed whatsoever (e.g. bank details) (required): YesNo Please tick this box to confirm that you understand tenants rent is due on the 1st day of the month and as soon as we receive it into our account we will endeavour to process statements and pay our landlords by the 7th day of each month: Yes Are you are a resident of the UK and subject to UK tax? —Please choose an option—YesNo Please leave this field empty. Additional Notes: DAB Estates are a member of The Property Ombudsman Scheme. Full details can be found on their website | here I have read and agree to the Terms of Service Agree